SDSC Receives Charity Transparency Award

We are exhilarated to receive our first Charity Transparency Award on 9 November 2022 from Mr Desmond Chin, Commissioner of Charities, at the Charity Transparency and Governance Awards ceremony.

Eighty-Five charities were given this honour in 2022, and SDSC is one of four awarded National Sports Associations. As a non-profit organisation that depends on government funding as well as the support of donors, sponsors and volunteers, we have a duty to ensure that our resources are channelled to our vision and mission effectively.

May Yek, our Finance Executive, received the award on our behalf. We value our staff at every level of the organisation, to build the trust we have with our stakeholders. Our sincere thanks to all members of the staff, board members and volunteers who worked hard to realise this milestone.

Lastly, congratulations to our member organisations that also received this honour — AWWA, Handicaps Welfare Association, Lawn Bowls Association for the Disabled (Singapore), MINDS, and Riding for the Disabled Association of Singapore.