Train From Home | Goalball


The circuit breaker measures in Singapore are in place from 7 April 2020 to 4 May 2020. During this period, our athletes are unable to continue training. We speak to the athletes and the coaches to learn more about how they are continuing to keep fit.

Sport: Goalball

Athlete: Joan Hung

Coach: Hansen Bay

Questions (Athlete)

1. How has virtual training and training at home been, so far for you?

Joan Hung: It’s been okay. I have been focusing on what I have at home to continue to create a semblance of normality.


2. What are the positives and what are the challenges?

Joan Hung: The positive side to this is that I can workout anytime. Mainly focusing on my anaerobic system to promote endurance. I have prescribed exercises and variations to spice things up. Some challenges that I have encountered are that I do not have any weights at home and I cannot work on my court techniques. Also, I miss training together with my teammates.


3. Is there anything done differently as opposed to what normally happens at training (e.g. video analysis/chatting about techniques)?
Joan Hung: The exercise is slightly different so that we can adapt training from home.

4. What are some words of encouragement for Singapore’s frontline team (e.g. essential services/medical staff etc)?

Joan Hung: Thank you for your time and effort to help fight the virus. We appreciate you!

Questions (Coach)

1. How has virtual training been so far for you, in terms of administering the session and guiding your team?

Coach Hansen Bay: It’s a learning experience navigating the digital tools for some Gen X-ers like myself. I have explained to them the purpose of the two main types of home workouts with the different exercise options during a briefing before the circuit breaker. They have scheduled the workouts and there is also attempt a fitness test at the end of the month.

2. How is the spirit of the team?

Coach Hansen Bay: It depends. Not all the players are coping well with the “isolation” and loss of income. A couple of them are looking for alternative employment. Those providing essential services are still really busy with work.

3. Are you doing team catch-ups online (e.g. virtual meetings/calls) and how has that been?

Coach Hansen Bay: I am making it a point to check in on at least two or three players everyday, just to chat and to check if they need any help. Both the men and women team have their own chat groups. They share on the chat group whenever they have finished the exercises. Not everyone does so but we will continue to encourage them to do so. This is especially so for the players that do not necessarily enjoy physical fitness but enjoy playing the game.

4. How can Singaporeans send their encouragement to the team?

Coach Hansen Bay: By liking our Goalball Singapore Facebook page! We are still updating the page regularly.