IWAS Wheelchair Fencing Academy INDIA

IWAS Wheelchair Fencing Academy INDIA
Coaches Seminar & Classifier Seminar
Date: 13-21 July, 2022
Registration deadline: 4 July 2022
Location: Bangalore, India

For the Classifier Seminar, interested applicants can tap on SDSC’s Technical Official Capability Support

1. Coaches Seminar

Course Information
The course is aimed at training wheelchair fencing coaches from the Asian region with the aim of promoting the development of the sport in their countries. To participate in the course, candidates registered by their National Federations or National Paralympic Committees must have:
-Experience as fencing or wheelchair fencing coaches.
-Or be an athlete with experience in fencing or wheelchair fencing.
The course will be held in epee and foil.
The course will be held in English.

Training Camp
During the coaching course, each participant can be accompanied, if they wish, by 1 wheelchair fencing athlete who can take advantage of the experience of the course and train. On the last day of the course, an IWAS Wheelchair Fencing Development Competition will be held, where athletes will take part and may be classified.

Course Fee
100 EUR

For more information, please visit this link.


2. Classifier Seminar

Course Information
Candidates who wish to become accredited National Classifiers and undertake further training for International Accreditation, must have the following education/professional requirements:
-Must be a certified health professional eg, physiotherapists, Medical practitioners, persons with sports science or medical/biological degrees;
-Or persons with a technical knowledge of the sport who are no longer involved in an international level with a national team, eg coaches or retired international athletes.

Other interested persons may take the course for their own information or to become National Accredited classifiers only.

Course Fee
100 EUR

For more information, please visit this link.


Please get in touch with Justinian if you require more information: justinian.chua@sdsc.org.sg.



4 July 2022


100 EUR
Date & Time

13 to 21 July 2022