APG 2020 Feature | Tay Wei Ming


Tay Wei Ming is Singapore’s first ever World Badminton Champion! We asked Wei Ming about his journey to become a pro-shuttler. Wei Ming will also be the flag bearer at the 2020 ASEAN Para Games.

What got you interested in your sport? What keeps you interested in it? I inherited my sports genes from my dad after learning a few different sports from him. I decided to focus solely on Badminton because I believe I had the caliber to achieve something out of it. On top of that, badminton attracts me because it is both mentally and physically challenging and involves all four limbs of your body. What keeps me interested is the adrenaline rush whenever I practice it, as well as the principles and values it taught along the way, which I could apply in my daily life too.

What does a day in Wei Ming’s life look like?
Hahahahaha, nothing unusual! Training double sessions a day, 5 hours in total. Breakfast at 8:30am, followed by morning court session at Bishan sports hall from 9:30am-12.00pm, then lunch, after that a 45-minute power nap at the Team Singapore athlete’s lounge, 2nd session either court or gym will start from 4.00pm-6:30pm at the Singapore Sports Hub.

Any other interests/hobbies apart from your sport?
I cycle at times, but rarely when a competition is near as to stay injury free. I play darts as well when I chill with some of my friends.

What is an important lesson that you learnt from your sport?
I learnt that nothing comes easy. In order to achieve or maintain the level that I’m at, lots of hard work, dedication and commitment has to be put in. That is why my motto always stays, “Either I Give It My All, or I Don’t Do It At All!”

Goals for the upcoming APG 2020?
I hope to achieve my personal best as well as performing to my fullest potential.