Athlete Q&A | Sophie and Colin Soon


The circuit breaker measures in Singapore are in place from 7 April 2020 to 1 June 2020. During this period, our athletes are unable to continue training. We speak to the athletes and the coaches to learn more about how they are continuing to keep fit.

Athlete Q&A

As part of our brand new series, ‘Athlete Q&A’, we invite members of the public to share their questions for our athletes. These questions are then posed to the athletes, for an in-depth interview and discussion.

Our first guests were siblings Sophie and Colin Soon, who shared at length about their swimming journey, their thoughts on the local sports scene and more.

1:17: How did both of you actually start swimming?

3:50: How was it like competing in the same sport as your sibling?

6:27: You both actually competed and represented Singapore at last year’s World Para Swimming World Series, so how was that experience for the both of you?

9:52: What would you like to say to your mommy? And how has she supported your journey?

12:14: How can Singapore be more supportive to athletes, with impairments or without?

14:10: What were some of the initial challenges that both of you all had to overcome before taking up sports? Was there any initial apprehension or fears and how did you all overcome that?

16:29: Colin, especially since you started so young, were there any challenges at that young age that you thought you couldn’t do it but what allowed you to go forward?

17:19: Colin, what would you say for younger people, younger kids, who wish to take on a sport? How would they cope with school and training?

A big thank you to Sophie and Colin for your time and for joining us. Stay tuned for more ‘Athlete Q&A’ sessions coming your way.