Athlete Q&A | Toh Wei Soong, Suhairi Suhani and Steve Tee


The circuit breaker measures in Singapore are in place from 7 April 2020 to 1 June 2020. During this period, our athletes are unable to continue training. We speak to the athletes and the coaches to learn more about how they are continuing to keep fit.

Athlete Q&A with Toh Wei Soong, Suhairi Suhani and Steve Tee

As part of our brand new series, ‘Athlete Q&A’, we conduct an in-depth interview and discussion with some of our athletes.

For our third edition, we speak with three athletes, Toh Wei Soong, Suhairi Suhani and Steve Tee, as Singapore prepares to exit the circuit breaker. You may find them familiar – they are the faces of SDSC’s campaign #DefyLimits, where they shared about their sports journey and the importance of the community.


0:34: How has training from home been for everyone, amidst the circuit breaker?

3:06: What is a typical day like at home for the three of you?

6:49: For the past few weeks, everyone has been having to stay at home. So outside of your training, have there been any new hobbies that you’ve been picking up? Or how are you spending your time at home?

9:23: Recently we received the news that ASEAN Para Games 2020 was cancelled because of COVID-19. Can you share a little bit about your reaction to that and how do you prepare yourself to be ready for the unexpected?

11:55: Is there anything you are looking forward to next on the sporting field?

13:25: Could you also share what are some key takeaways from this period both for your sports and in your personal life. Have there been any observations that you’ve made through this period?

16:48: As the faces of SDSC’s latest campaign #DefyLimits, could you share a little bit of your experience during your filming?

18:43: Could you share some of your families’ or friends’ reactions to the videos?

21:14: What are some key messages that you want people to take away from the video?

A huge thank you to Wei Soong, Suhairi and Steve for being our third guests, and thank you to everyone for watching the interview. Stay tuned for our next video!

#DefyLimits Campaign

Defy Limits is SDSC’s fundraising campaign for 2020. We celebrate and tell the stories of three hero athletes, Suhairi Suhani, Toh Wei Soong and Steve Tee, and how they have all defied limits in their pursuit of sporting excellence.

You can read more about their stories here, and donate online here. All donations will be channeled towards SDSC’s programmes and to offset the cost of competing and training for our athletes in 2020. The campaign ends on 29 December 2020.