Coach Q&A | Yurnita Binte Omar


The circuit breaker measures in Singapore were in place from 7 April 2020 to 1 June 2020. Singapore entered Phase Two (“Safe Transition”) on 19 June 2020, which saw the resumption of sport and physical exercise and activity. For some our of athletes, returning to training was a smooth process. We speak to them to learn more about how they coped during the circuit breaker and changes they have made to their training programme in this new normal.

Coach Q&A

As part of our brand new series, ‘Athlete Q&A’, we conduct an in-depth interview and discussion with some of our athletes.

For our fourth edition of ‘Athlete Q&A’, we switch things up a little as we speak with boccia coach Yurnita Binte Omar. Yurnita is a familiar face in the local boccia scene. Having joined as a volunteer more than 10 years ago, Yurnita started out as a ramp assistant, before taking on numerous roles such as coach and international referee. Click on the link below to find out more! Find out what motivates her to stay involved in boccia and how you can get involved too.


1:39: Could you share with us what drew you to remain in the sport for so many years?

2:17: What has been the highlight of your journey so far?

3:21: CPAS has seen many alumni and current students participate in the sport. Could you share a little about CPAS’ role in the development of boccia in Singapore?

4:28: What are some of the roles you’ve taken on for boccia?

5:06: What are some of the important qualities required to play boccia well?

6:09: So how has virtual training been for you, in terms of administering the session and guiding your team?

7:39: How is the spirit of the team at the moment?

8:31: How can Singaporeans actually send their encouragement and support to the boccia team?

9:50: In terms of the families themselves, how can families encourage PWDs to pick up sports like boccia?

A huge thank you to Yurnita for being our fourth guest, and thank you to everyone for watching the interview. Stay tuned for our next video!