[Media Release] Singapore Disability Sports Awards returns for second consecutive year with 49 nominees contesting 9 awards


Singapore Disability Sports Awards returns for second consecutive year with 49 nominees contesting 9 awards

  • More being recognised for their contribution to disability sport with an increase in nominees (31 in 2019)

Singapore, 2 July 2020 – The Singapore Disability Sports Awards (SDSA) presented by Haw Par Corporation returns for the second straight year with a total of 49 nominations received for 9 award categories. The total number of nominations received increased by 18 when compared to last year’s edition. Winners will be announced on 7 August 2020, at a virtual ceremony.

Organised by the Singapore Disability Sports Council (SDSC), the awards aim to recognise the achievements and contributions made by individuals or groups in the disability sports community.

This year’s SDSA is made possible with the support of Haw Par Corporation’s corporate social responsibility initiative and its donation of $120,000 to the SDSC. A supporter of the SDSC since 2015, Haw Par Corporation takes on the role of presenting partner for the event for the second year in a row. Apart from the awards, the donation will also be channeled towards developing the sport of boccia and administering the Haw Par Para Sports Bursary Awards.

“Singapore’s para athletes and the community of coaches, caregivers and volunteers have demonstrated adaptability and commitment to continue training hard amidst the uncertain times. They have set an excellent example for all of us. We are proud to be a part of Singapore’s disability sports story and look forward to celebrate the achievements of the community.” said Mr Wee Ee Lim, President & CEO, Haw Par Corporation Limited.

The SDSA was brought back in 2019, after the last Sports Awards had been held more than a decade ago in 2008. The only other time that the achievements of the para sports community were recognised was in 2014, when SDSC had given out a set of Outstanding and Meritorious Achievement awards as part of its 40th anniversary. Please view the full list of nominations in the Annex attached.

In a new format introduced for this year’s awards, members of the public can get involved in the voting process by casting a vote for nominees of awards in the Contributor category. Voting is to be done at SDSC’s Facebook page where participants can stand a chance to be rewarded with cash vouchers. Voting will take place between 8 July to 15 July 2020.

In conjunction with the SDSA 2020, the SDSC has also launched a fundraising campaign called “Project Rebound”. Project Rebound’s objective is to rally the wider community to raise funds for SDSC for various areas, such as operational overheads to support manpower costs; to continue SDSC’s programmes, such as training for existing beneficiaries; and to raise awareness via outreach activities.

Fundraising activities, both physical and online, such as a virtual run, are being lined up under Project Rebound. Project Rebound will end on 31 March 2021, with proceeds being matched under Tote Board’s enhanced fundraising programme. More information about Project Rebound can be found here.

SDSC hopes that both individuals and organisations can follow in Haw Par’s footsteps to show support to Singapore’s para athletes.

Ms Kelly Fan, Executive Director, SDSC said, “SDSC began without government funding or even an office more than 40 years ago. We are thankful that the challenging journey has not been in vain, as we celebrate our athletes with disabilities not only within our community but with the rest of Singapore today. This celebration is significant, as it outlines a journey not only by SDSC, but also that of our nation. Starting from separated communities, Singaporeans with and without disabilities are beginning to be valued more equally. Today, talented sporting individuals with disabilities like Yip Pin Xiu can motivate youth with and without disabilities alike when she speaks, while persons with disabilities are not turned away from stadiums and swimming pools like we had seen in the past. These are testament to our nation’s progress, but it doesn’t mean our work is done. There are still many areas that need attention before Singapore sports can reach a true state of equality for persons with disabilities. We continue to rely heavily on donations and sponsorships to sustain our voice and services. The loyalty of Haw Par Corporation relieves our financial worries so that we can continue our work, and, by standing shoulder to shoulder with us, amplifies the importance of providing this basic right for persons with disabilities to access and shine in sports, just like any person without disabilities.”

Please download full media release from here.

Please download the full list of nominees for SDSA 2020 from here.